Display Instrument

F2000 Series Display Instrument
F2000 Series Display Instrument
Category:Display Instrument
Description:F2000 Series Display Instrument
  • Overview

  • Specifications

  • Dimensions


The flow totalizer control instrument collects, displays, controls, remotely transmits, communicates, and prints various signals such as on-site temperature, pressure, flow, etc., forming a digital acquisition system and control system, with LCD and digital displays, and various dimensions , Suitable for flow accumulation measurement control of various liquids, general gases, superheated steam and saturated steam; quantitative/batch control of the medium (with start, stop, and zero function), and various flow sensors or transmission It can adapt to various measurement and control occasions.


Depending on selected device configuration

General information

Product type

Display Instrument

Product family name


Product positioning

For basic applications



Communication Interface

RS232C   RS485  

Power supply

220VAC  24VDC 12VDC



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